Juan Alaniz | Markle
Juan Alaniz | Markle

Juan Alaniz

Senior Health Policy Analyst for the Washington State Health Care Authority, and Project Manager for the Health Record Bank Project

Juan is a graduate of the University of Texas at El Paso with a BA in political science. He served as a medical service officer in the US Army, and held health care program management positions at the state department of health and state Medicaid office. He also has experience in the private sector in health plan administration with EDS.

He is currently a Senior Health Policy Analyst with the Washington State Health Care Authority and is the Project Manager for the Health Record Bank project and staffs the Health Information Infrastructure Advisory Board (HIIAB) that was mandated by the legislature in 2005 and 2007. With the Board and active involvement of a separate stakeholder advisory committee, a strategy recommendation and roadmap was submitted to the Governor and Legislature in December, 2006. The legislature adopted the board recommendations and extended the work of the HIIAB during the 2007 session. This work is to result in implementation of the first consumer-centric health record banks in Washington State.