Toward a New Capitalism: The Promise of Opportunity and the Future of Work | Markle | Advancing America's Future
Toward a New Capitalism: The Promise of Opportunity and the Future of Work | Markle | Advancing America's Future

Toward a New Capitalism: The Promise of Opportunity and the Future of Work

Publication Date: January 12, 2017 | Back to Latest News

U.S. Senator Mark Warner and Purdue President Mitch Daniels crisscrossed the country over the last year to ask entrepreneurs, workers, thinkers, and civic leaders how to make capitalism work for the American worker and ensure everyone has a stake in America’s success. The culmination of that work is included in two reports released by the Aspen Institute Future of Work. The first report, “The Promise of Opportunity and the Future of Work” describes how technology and global competition have modernized the American economy while also making it harder for Americans to find jobs with the wages, benefits, and skills training to get ahead. The second report, “A Policy Agenda to Restore the Promise of Work” offers a set of ideas to meet the challenge.