Employers Are Facing the Worst Talent Shortage Since 2007 | Markle | Advancing America's Future
Employers Are Facing the Worst Talent Shortage Since 2007 | Markle | Advancing America's Future

Employers Are Facing the Worst Talent Shortage Since 2007

Publication Date: November 7, 2016 | Back to Latest News

Employers across the globe are facing the most acute talent shortage since the Great Recession, according to ManpowerGroup’s latest Talent Shortage Survey.

Of the more than 42,300 employers surveyed, 40 percent cited hiring difficulties—the highest level since 2007 (41 percent) and up from 38 percent in 2015.

Closer to half (46 percent) of U.S. employers reported difficulties filling jobs due to lack of available talent, a significant rise from the 32 percent that reported so in 2015. ….

The majority of U.S. workers view continuous training as essential to their future career success, according to the recently released State of American Jobs survey by the Pew Research Center and the Markle Foundation. The survey showed that workers believe a mix of technical and soft skills is essential, and most value job training, given the profound changes in the workplace over the past few decades.

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