Markle Task Force on National Security | Markle

Markle Task Force on National Security

A Safer America through Information Sharing

The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 provided one unmistakable lesson: those responsible for protecting us against today’s threats must have the best information on those who want to do us harm.

Markle’s national security work has focused on how to use information and information technology to improve national security while protecting traditional civil liberties. The Markle Task Force on National Security in the Information Age formed the centerpiece of Markle’s work.

MTF ReportAbout the Markle Task Force

The Markle Task Force has been made up of a diverse and bipartisan group of national security experts from the past six presidential administrations, senior information technology executives, and privacy and civil liberties advocates. It has been co-chaired by Markle’s president, Zoë Baird Budinger, and by former Netscape Chief Executive Officer, Jim Barksdale.

In its reports, the Markle Task Force has recommended ways to improve decisions affecting our national security by changing how government works, transforming business and information sharing processes. Many of the recommendations of the Markle Task Force have informed the 9/11 Commission Report and have been incorporated in executive orders and legislation, including the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 and the Protect America Act of 2007.

The work of the Markle Task Force has broadened understanding of the importance of information and collaboration, and of using information technology to prevent another terrorist attack. The Markle Task Force has also helped advance protections for privacy and civil liberties by providing new concepts and attributes for a trusted information sharing environment.

Markle Task Force on National Security | Markle
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