Acknowledgements T2 | Markle
Acknowledgements T2 | Markle

Acknowledgements T2

The working groups in the three regions of the Markle Connecting for Health prototype and the Technical Subcommittee have worked for over two years to create a prototype of a decentralized, standards-based, and privacy-protecting architecture for the exchange of health records. During that time, we have been fortunate to work with respected experts in the fields of health and information technology, all of whom have contributed their time, energy, and expertise to the transition from a basic set of principles to a working prototype. Our consultants and volunteers have worked long hours in meetings and conference calls to negotiate high-level questions of architectural design and low-level details of particular technical protocols. We offer them our heartfelt thanks for taking on this journey with us, and look forward to the remaining work ahead.

In addition, we would like to offer special thanks to the working groups who took the conceptual technical model and instantiated it as running code: for the Massachusetts test, John Halamka, Greg DeBor, Gail Fournier, Vinod Muralidhar, and John Calladine; for the Indiana test, J. Marc Overhage, Clement McDonald, Lonnie Blevins, and Andrew Martin; and for the California test, Will Ross and Don Grodecki.

Finally, we must note that none of this work would have been possible without the leadership and inspiration of Clay Shirky, who encouraged us to turn theory into practice, and whose unmatched skills at navigating and then capturing each progressive phase of our work over the last two years allowed us to do so.

Connecting for Health Technology Subcommittee

Clay Shirky, New York University, (Chair)

Laura Adams, Rhode Island Quality Institute

Steve Adams, RMD Networks

William Braithwaite, MD, eHealth Initiative, (Co-Chair, Policy Subcommittee)

Deleys Brandman, First Consulting Group

Bryan Breen, Cisco Systems, Inc.

Sophia Chang, MD, MPH, California HealthCare Foundation

Art Davidson, MD, MSPH, Denver Public Health

Didi Davis, Eclipsys, Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, and Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise

Greg DeBor, Computer Sciences Corporation

Lyman Dennis, Partnership HealthPlan of California, Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, and Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise

George Eisenberger, IBM Corporation

David A. Epstein, IBM Software Group

Linda Fischetti,* RN, MS, Veterans Health Administration

Mark Frisse, MD, MBA, MSc, Vanderbilt Center for Better Health (Co-Chair, Policy Subcommittee)

Don Grodecki, Browsersoft, Inc.

John Halamka, MD, CareGroup Healthcare System

Bob Hedgcock, Wisconsin Health Information Exchange

Noreen Hurley, Tufts Health Plan

Charles Jaffe, MD, PhD, Intel Corporation

Timothy Kenney, GE Healthcare

Josh Lemieux, Omnimedix Institute

J.P. Little, RxHub

Christopher Lindop, Eastman Kodak Company

David Lubinski, Microsoft Corporation

Janet Marchibroda, eHealth Initiative

Gregory Andre Marinkovich,* MD, FAAP LTC, Marine Corps, Office of Secretary of Defense/Health Affairs

Patrick McMahon, Microsoft Corporation

Omid Moghadam, Intel Corporation

Don Mon, PhD, American Health Information Management Association

Bruno Nardone, IBM Corporation

J. Marc Overhage, MD, PhD, Indiana Health Information Exchange; Indiana University School of Medicine, Regenstrief Institute for Healthcare

George Peredy, MD, Kaiser Permanente, HealthConnect

Nick Ragouzis, Enosis Group, LLC

Rick Ratliff, SureScripts

Jere Retzer, Oregon Health and Science University

Wes Rishel, Gartner Group

Barry Rhodes,* PhD, Center for Disease Control, United States Department of Health and Human Services

Scott Schumacher, PhD, Initiate Systems, Inc.

Raymond W. Scott, Axolotl Corporation

Don Simborg, MD, American Medical Informatics Association

Geoff Smith , Meditech

Jonathan Teich, MD, PhD, Healthvision

Micky Tripathi, Massachusetts eHealth Collaborative

Charlene Underwood, Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, EHR Vendor Association

Karen Van Hentenryck, HL-7

Jukka Valkonen, California HealthCare Foundation

Cynthia Wark,* CAPT, United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, United States Department of Health and Human Services

Jon White,* MD, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, United States Department of Health and Human Services

Scott Williams, MD, MPH, HealthInsight

Amy Zimmerman-Levitan, MPH, Rhode Island Department of Health

*Note: Federal employees participate in the Subcommittee but make no endorsement

©2006-2022, Markle Foundation

These works were originally published as part of the Markle Connecting for Health Common Framework: Resources for Implementing Private and Secure Health Information Exchange. They are made available free of charge, but subject to the terms of a License. You may make copies of these works; however, by copying or exercising any other rights to the works, you accept and agree to be bound by the terms of the License. All copies of these works must reproduce this copyright information and notice.