Framework for Inclusive Capitalism | Markle | Advancing America's Future
Framework for Inclusive Capitalism | Markle | Advancing America's Future

Framework for Inclusive Capitalism

Publication Date: February 3, 2021 | Back to Latest News

A New Compact among Business, Government & American Workers

Workers have been underserved by much of America’s economic growth for far too long. And never has this been more apparent than it is now. The Covid-19 pandemic has exposed the underlying fragility and inequities of our economic system, with burdens disproportionately hitting the lowest-paid and most vulnerable.

These systemic problems cannot be solved by any one actor alone. Government must make new rules for a fairer and more equitable economic system. Businesses must develop policies that offer everyone meaningful access to economic security and upward mobility. American workers must have greater voice and be rewarded for the value they create.

Developed by a diverse Commission of the nation’s most respected CEOs, academic, civic, and political leaders, the Framework for Inclusive Capitalism identifies a series of bipartisan principles and recommendations for better aligning government, business and civil society in putting American workers at the core of an inclusive recovery.

Only by improving the lives of workers and having them share fairly in economic gains will our country experience the sustainable growth necessary to restore its promise of greater opportunity and upward mobility for all.

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