Launch of Start-Up Globality Will Help American Businesses Connect to Buyers in New Markets | Markle | Advancing America's Future

Launch of Start-Up Globality Will Help American Businesses Connect to Buyers in New Markets

Publication Date: January 13, 2017 | Back to Latest News

New York – The Markle Foundation today congratulated entrepreneur Joel Hyatt and the team at Globality on this week’s launch of the Silicon Valley based start-up, of which Markle is a founding shareholder. Globality has created a business-to-business marketplace to help connect smaller companies with some of the world’s largest corporations, using artificial intelligence and the expertise of industry veterans to unlock opportunities and to open markets.

“Platforms like Globality have the power to drive change to expand economic opportunity for more American small and medium sized businesses,” said Markle CEO and President Zoe Baird. “Globality has the potential to have real impact on the global marketplace.”

Globality’s mission to leverage globalization to help more people connect to a dynamic global economy was inspired by Markle, and addressed in Rework America’s collectively authored book, America’s Moment: Creating Opportunity in the Connected Age, released by W.W. Norton & Company in 2015.

Markle convened Rework America, a collective of more than 50 national leaders, to advance transformative strategies and scalable solutions to create opportunities for all Americans in today’s rapidly changing global, digital economy. In America’s Moment, they called for creating platforms to become the intermediaries to help American businesses compete on the global stage, especially small companies that don’t know where to start.

In the third chapter, Connect to a World of Buyers, the Rework America authors promote a strategy that brings the world of buyers to America’s desktops and tablets in order to help Americans explore new markets. Globality is moving this idea forward by enabling sellers—the small and medium sized service providers— to expand their customer base in new markets while buyers—large corporations—get access to a network of vetted service providers, as well as efficiencies that help reduce costs.

Rework America members have undertaken many impactful efforts to increase access to opportunities in the digital age. The initiative inspired the innovative Starbucks – ASU College Achievement Plan that provides access to an online college education at ASU for thousands of Starbucks employees. Rework America also led to the creation of, a partnership among Markle, LinkedIn, the state of Colorado, Arizona State University and others to create and scale a skills-based labor market. Other efforts in which Markle has engaged with its Rework America members include collaboration with the Aspen Institute Future of Work on policy changes for the workplace and workforce, and an effort with the MIT Center for Digital Business to develop a framework to better measure the economy.

Media contact
Lisa MacSpadden or Chris Valens at 212-713-7632 or

About Markle
The Markle Foundation works to realize the potential of information technology as a breakthrough tool for some of the nation’s most challenging problems. It leads a broad collaboration to Rework America to create good jobs and prepare people for today’s rapidly changing digital economy. Markle’s Skillful initiative is returning economic opportunities to Americans without a college diploma. For more information, visit, and follow @MarkleFdn and @JoinSkillful on Twitter.

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Launch of Start-Up Globality Will Help American Businesses Connect to Buyers in New Markets | Markle | Advancing America's Future
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