Douglas Henley serves the Academy as Chief Executive Officer. He also provides representation for the AAFP to other organizations, including medical, public and private sectors,…
Douglas A. Gentile, MD, MBA, is Chief Medical Officer at Allscripts Healthcare Solutions. He did his undergraduate training at Duke University and received his MD…
Deven McGraw is the Director of the Health Privacy Project at CDT, focused on developing and promoting workable privacy and security protections for electronic personal…
In David Lansky’s current position he oversees the efforts of the Pacific Business Group on Health to improve the affordability and accessibility of high quality…
Daniel Garrett leads PricewaterhouseCoopers’s Health Information Technology (HIT) practice. He works with clients on strategic planning, design and implementation of new business models, leveraging information…
Cris Ross, MBA, is Executive Vice President and General Manager of the Clinical Interoperability business for Surescripts. He has 28 years of experience in healthcare,…
Internet thinker Clay Shirky is the author of numerous books, including the 2008 the breakout hit Here Comes Everybody. He writes, teaches, and consults on…