Library | Markle
Library | Markle


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In The News

Experts Say Tech Industry Has Duty to Counter Extremism, but Against Imposing Legal Onus

Zoë Baird, of the Markle Foundation, said the technology industry today has a public obligation to consider what its social duty means today.

In The News

High-Powered Coalition Seeks to Improve Job Prospects for Young People

Rework America aims to match job seekers having a tough time finding work with employers looking to fill at least 4 million midlevel jobs.


The Proverbial Public-Private Partnership: Cooperation and Conflict in the Relationship between Government and Industry in Cyberspace

This session discusses the role of the government in protecting the nation from cyber-attacks to public and private infrastructure in an era of expanding threats,…

In The News

How To Prepare For The Entrepreneur Life You Want

“America’s Moment: Creating Opportunity in the Connected Age” … points out well some of the tools and navigators that can help all of us learn…

In The News

Data Science, Better Outcomes: Why I Joined Civis Analytics

I met Dan Wagner, who was the Chief Analytics Officer for the Obama campaign, in 2014 as part of a Markle Foundation project called Rework…

Publication Article

America’s Promise to a New Generation

By Geoffrey Canada In the 1960s, when I was a young boy growing up in the South Bronx, the poorest Congressional District in the United…

In The News

Why You Won’t Need a Bachelor’s Degree

“We’re going through a digital revolution that’s as large scale as the industrial revolution we experienced more than 100 years ago,” says Philip Zelikow, visiting…

Publication Article

A Skills Based Digital Labor Market for Middle-Skill Jobseekers

By Zoë Baird America is in the midst of the biggest economic transformation in the past 100 years. Technology and globalization are fundamentally altering nearly…

In The News

A Skills Based Digital Labor Market for Middle-Skill Jobseekers (Video)

The challenge before us is how to make sure everyone has the opportunity to succeed in a rapidly changing 21st century economy.

In The News

Rework America Connected Launches in Phoenix (Audio)

Phoenix is trying a high-tech way to help employers and tech-savvy workers find each other. It’s called Rework America.

In The News

Colorado Molder Joins First-in-the-Nation Skills Gap Initiative

Markle is part of an innovative partnership to not only better prepare job seekers for employment but also match their skill sets with companies’ pressing…

In The News

Online Network to Help Middle Class Find Jobs in Phoenix

Markle is building the platform in partnership with LinkedIn, Arizona State University, and edX.