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In The News

PHR privacy breakthrough?

Connecting for Health, a broad industry coalition organized by the Markle Foundation, announced yesterday a framework for PHR privacy protection that could, if fully implemented,…

In The News

Industry Players Outline Rules for Online Health Records

Google and Microsoft have teamed with Intuit, WebMD and a consortium of more than 100 healthcare providers, insurers and consumer and privacy groups to develop…

In The News

Tech Backs Standards for Online Health Records

With a majority of Americans supportive of electronic medical records but still wary of the privacy implications, the non-profit Markle Foundation moved June 25 to…

In The News

Set of Privacy Standards Adopted by Providers of Personal Health Records

Given the fragmentation of many health services in the U.S., creating a shared set of privacy standards is an important step in furthering the adoption…

In The News

Wide Spectrum Collaboration on Online Medical Records Announced

Leaders in several industries have joined forces to provide the utmost level of security and accuracy in the emerging field of online personal health records…

In The News

Personal Health Records and the Markle Foundation

Today I need to get down to more serious issues. I inject humor from time to time to maintain equilibrium.  I have had some commentary…

In The News

New Standards for Digital Medical Record Released

A coalition of employers, health insurers and health care providers released a set of policy and technical guidelines June 25 they say will make storing personal…

In The News

Those Prying Eyes May Not Be Able To Sneak A Peek At Electronic Personal Health Records

There has been, in effect, a summit conference which has arrived at a framework to guide patient privacy as individuals se up electronic personal health…

In The News

Are Privacy Standards Enough to Push Electronic Health Records?

Google, Microsoft, WebMD, Dossia and other major technology providers in the burgeoning PHR (personal health record) niche are all hopeful that a new privacy and…

In The News

Connecting for Health: Another wave in the shift to consumer controlled health information

The recent announcement of the Common Framework for Networked Personal Health Information by the Connecting for Health collaboration lead by the Markle Foundation is just…

In The News

Data Decommissioning: Destruction of Accountability

Having designed a lot of systems over the years – more often than not the customer says they plan on performing periodic purges of historical…

In The News

ONC Budget Flatlined – RHIOs Hit, PHRs Saved from Meddling

In the recently passed 2008 Federal budget, Bush did not get his requested increase for the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology…