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Publication Article

Beyond Consumer Consent: Why We Need a Comprehensive Approach to Privacy in a Networked World

Consumer consent has long been seen as the privacy pillar for networked health information. But a privacy approach that rests solely on obtaining consumer consent…

Publication Article

Health Information Exchange: Experience from Indiana

This presentation covers the state of Indiana’s experience with Health Information Exchanges and how it is progressing to an environment that enables secure health data…

Publication Article

Connecting Americans to Their Health Care: Latest Research

David Ahern from Health eTechnologies; Eric Dishman from Intel Corporation; Corey Angst from University of Maryland; and Steve Ross from University of Colorado present their…

Publication Article

Health IT Investments that Improve Health Care

To achieve the desired impact and value from health IT investments, funding efforts should incorporate both information policy and technology attributes that foster trust and…

Publication Article

Connecting Americans to Their Health Care: When HSAs Meet PHRs

This presentation describes how information can empower consumers to make the appropriate choices for better health and cost savings. Personal health records (PHRs) can provide…

Publication Article

Connecting Americans to Their Health Care: User’s Panel

David Lansky, from Markle Foundation; Mike Stocker, from Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield; Marc Pierson, from Peace Health; and Cynthia Solomon, from Access Strategies, Inc.,…

Publication Article

Connecting Americans to Their Health Care: User-Centered Design

Steve Downs, from Robert Wood Johnson Foundation; Holly Massett, from National Cancer Institute; Patti Brennan, from University of Wisconsin-Madison; and Stefanie Fenton, from Intuit, discuss…

Publication Article

Connecting Americans to Their Health Care: Understanding the VA and the VistA

Lygeia Ricciardi, from Markle Foundation; Virginia S. Price, from U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs; David M. Douglas, from U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs; and Ronald…

Publication Article

Connecting Americans to Their Health Care: Policies 101

This presentation describes the health care landscape, the purpose of Connecting for Health, and the need for a Common Framework.

Publication Article

Connecting Americans to Their Health Care: PHRs 101

This presentation by David Lansky, PhD, and Josh Lemieux of Markle Foundation, and Danny Sands, MD, of Cisco Systems, provides a basic understanding of PHRs,…

Publication Article

Connecting Americans to Their Health Care: Act Locally

Scott Young, from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; Allison Rein, from National Consumers League; Holt Anderson, from North Carolina Healthcare Information and Communications…

Publication Article

Connecting Americans to Their Health Care: Think Nationally

David Lansky, from Markle Foundation; John Rother, from AARP, Kathleen Weldon, for Rep. Nancy Johnson; Andrea Palm, fpr Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton; Dean Rosen, from…