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Publication Article

Connecting Americans to Their Health Care: Creating Demand

Stuart Schear, from Markle Foundation; Bill McInturff, from Public Opinion Strategies; and Matt Handley, from Group Health Cooperative, discuss results from consumer and focus group…

Publication Article

Connecting Americans to Their Health Care: Networks 101

The presenters discuss the issues their organizations are facing in developing networks and managing electronic health information.

Publication Article

Connecting Americans to Their Health Care: Research Remarks and Morning Keynote

The morning keynote speech and research remarks present survey results from Lake Research Partners, followed by an exploration of the networked PHR and how it…

Publication Article

Creating a Public Good for the Public’s Health

Markle Connecting for Health presented this information at the Institute of Medicine to promote 21st century thinking for population data challenges. The key goals of…

Publication Article

Protecting America’s Freedom in the Information Age

The Markle Task Force explores ways in which we can organize people at all levels—from neighborhoods to federal agencies—and develop innovative technologies that will allow…

Publication Article

Creating a Trusted Network for Homeland Security

The Markle Task Force on National Security in the Information Age provides guidelines and recommendations for the creation and implementation of a trusted information sharing network for…

Publication Article

The 2002 Olympic Winter Games Security Lessons Applied to Homeland Security

In October, the Oquirrh Institute held the 2002 Olympic Security Review Conference to determine what went well and what could have been done more effectively…

Publication Article

Testimony of Zoe Baird submitted to the Select Committee on Homeland Security, U.S. House of Representatives

In testimony to the Select Committee on Homeland Security of the U.S. House of Representatives, the Markle Task Force on National Security in the Information…

Publication Article

Response to Executive Orders on Intelligence Reform and Information Sharing

This response acknowledges that the Executive Orders are an important step toward the creation of a trusted information network, but communicates that more needs to…

Publication Article

Response to Senate Committees’ Request for Technical Assistance: Essential Elements of Legislation Should the Committees Recommend Implementing the SHARE Network

This letter to the Senate’s Select Committee on Intelligence and Select Committee on Homeland Security includes the Markle Task Force’s Essential Elements of Legislation Should…

Publication Article

We Cannot Fight Terrorism Without Better Information

Zoë Baird and Jim Barksdale comment that the persistence information isolation is a threat to national security and suggest the SHARE Network as a solution. …

Publication Article

Task Force on National Security in the Information Age

The Task Force on National Security in the Information Age was formed in April 2002, to address critical issues surrounding the use of information and…