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Publication Article

Zoe Baird’s Remarks at the Digital Opportunity Task Force Meeting: Creating Digital Opportunity for all

Zoe Baird’s remarks at the Digital Opportunity Task Force Meeting in Tokyo on Creating Digital Opportunity for All. See more: White House Press Release: President…

Publication Article

Zoe Baird’s statement at the ICANN Annual Meeting

Offers an outline of ICANN’s technical issues and Markle’s initiatives. ICANN is a leading example of this kind of emerging new institution and the challenges…

Publication Article

Governing the Internet: Engaging Government, Business, and Nonprofits

Explores a new model of governance, ICANN, and the road ahead.      

Publication Article

Zoe Baird’s remarks to the National Association of Attorneys General

Topics covered include the scope of the Internet, a critical time for Internet development, Markle’s activities, the role of Attorneys General, and the specific challenges…

Publication Article

Standards Within the Context of the Health IT Initiative

In testimony before the National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics (NCVHS) Subcommittee on Standards, Carol Diamond, MD, MPH discusses the importance of setting clear…

Publication Article

Achieving the Health IT Objectives of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

With the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), Congress established new Medicare and Medicaid incentives to stimulate critically needed investments in health information technology (health…

Publication Article

Connecting for Health Common Framework for Networked Personal Health Information

Lists nine core principles (openness and transparency, purpose specification, collection limitation and data minimization, use limitation, individual participation and control, data quality and integrity, security…

Publication Article

Americans Overwhelmingly Believe Electronic Personal Health Records Could Improve Their Health

This survey examines public opinions on the potential and privacy considerations of individually controlled electronic personal health records (PHRs). It was the first national survey to…

Publication Article

Collaborative Comments on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for the Electronic Health Record Incentive Program

The release of the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services‘ (CMS) incentive program for the Meaningful Use of…

Publication Article

Testimony of Zoë Baird and Slade Gorton on behalf of Markle Task Force to the US Senate Judiciary Committee

In response to a request for testimony by the US Senate Judiciary Committee, the Markle Task Force calls for immediate action to prepare America for…

Publication Article

Dr. Herbert Pardes’ Nomination Letters to HHS

Zoe Baird’s letter to HHS (August 5, 2005) in support of Dr. Herbert Pardes’ nomination to serve on the American Health Information Community representing hospitals.

Publication Article

Connecting the Data

This article from Newsday’s Washington Bureau describes the content and reception of a Markle Task Force report that  was given to the White House in…