Forbes Archives | Markle
Forbes Archives | Markle

Publication Source: Forbes

Digital Transformation and Digital Divide Post COVID-19

Over the past two months, several countries across the world have experienced various forms of remote work and distance learning as governments were coming to…

We’re Working Longer, Harder, And Craving Job Skills

Still on the fence about whether it pays to invest in job training mid-career? Then consider this: According to The State of American Jobs, a…

Outsourcing And Imports Viewed As The Top Threats To U.S. Jobs

A new survey from Pew Research has shed some light on job security in the United States as well as the top factors American workers…

Competency-Based Hiring: 10 Signals The Shift Is Happening

The skills gap is generating unprecedented attention — and with good reason. Nearly 8 million Americans are unemployed and looking for work while an estimated…

How Do I Master That Skill? LinkedIn, Markle Want To Help

Training Finder is part of a collaboration between LinkedIn and Markle, which launched Skillful, an initiative focused on helping workers in Colorado and Phoenix develop…

How To Prepare For The Entrepreneur Life You Want

“America’s Moment: Creating Opportunity in the Connected Age” … points out well some of the tools and navigators that can help all of us learn…

Three Ways The President Can Create Digital Jobs Now

By Zoë Baird The United States has the opportunity to become a world leader in defining digital age jobs. We are already significantly ahead in…