Markle Archives | Page 4 of 5 | Markle
Markle Archives | Page 4 of 5 | Markle

Publication Source: Markle

Common Framework for Networked Personal Health Information: Statement of Support

Consumers need to be full participants in modern health information tools and services to help them prevent illness, communicate better with clinicians, understand costs and…

Letter from the Personal Health Technology Council to the AHIC

To Secretary Leavitt and the Members of the AHIC: We, the members of the Personal Health Technology Council, commend your leadership in promoting Guiding Principles…

The Right General Direction

The Interim Final Rule (IFR) on health information technology (IT) standards marks a positive step forward in the nation’s efforts to improve health care by putting…

Letter to HHS and the Office of Management and Budget on Meaningful Use

In this letter to HHS and OMB leaders, Markle Connecting for Health collaborators provide recommendations for the pending federal rule on ‘meaningful use’ of health…

Consumer Technical Brief

This policy brief explores how “Millie”—a 21st Century consumer—would benefit under a Common Framework to help her obtain and control electronic copies of her personal…

Consumer Policy Brief

This policy brief explores how “Millie” — a 21st Century consumer — would benefit under a Common Framework to help her obtain and control electronic…

Collaborative response flow chart

See how information passes from individual to shared network for easy, secure access to shared information.

A 21st-Century Approach to Privacy

We need a 21st century privacy approach allowing Americans to protect and share health information to improve quality. Americans are eager to see the cost and…

Beyond Consumer Consent: Why We Need a Comprehensive Approach to Privacy in a Networked World

Consumer consent has long been seen as the privacy pillar for networked health information. But a privacy approach that rests solely on obtaining consumer consent…