Reading Materials | Markle
Reading Materials | Markle

Reading Materials

Pew Research Center | Aaron Smith and Janna Anderson

AI, Robotics, and the Future of Jobs

Respondents are deeply divided on how advances in AI and robotics will impact the economic and employment picture over the next decade.

Pew Research Center | Drew DeSilver

Reshaping the Workplace: Tech-related Jobs That Didn’t Exist (Officially, at Least) 15 Years Ago

We can look to the recent past to get a sense for how technological change already has reshaped the U.S. workforce.

Re/code | Amy Schatz

President Obama Isn’t Down With the FCC’s Net Neutrality Proposal Either

President Obama said that he’s uncomfortable with the idea of allowing Internet providers to sell fast-lane access to content companies.

New York | Annie Lowrey

Don’t Let the Disruption Hype Fool You: America Is Actually Getting Less Entrepreneurial

For all the talk of disruption” in today’s economy

S&P Capital IQ | Standard & Poor’s

How Increasing Income Inequality Is Dampening U.S. Economic Growth, And Possible Ways To Change The Tide

A degree of inequality is to be expected in any market economy, but too much inequality can undermine growth.

The New York Times | Neil Irwin

Why Is the Economy Still Weak? Blame These Five Sectors

What would the economy look like right now if it were fully healthy, and how is the actual reality of the economy right now different from that?

Forbes | Edward D. Hess

Why Is Innovation So Hard?

Innovative thinking, like critical thinking, does not come naturally to most people.

The Guardian | Jana Kasperkevic

Relying on Online Listings, Young Americans Struggle to Find Jobs

The July unemployment rate for younger workers was 11.3%, five percentage points higher than the overall unemployment rate.

The Washington Post | Ryan McCarthy

The Little-known FRED Charts That Reveal the State of the U.S. Economy

FRED, the massive economic database maintained by the St. Louis Federal Reserve, has become something of mecca for economics.

The New York Times | The Editorial Board

Growth Without Jobs

The Federal Reserve said it would continue to stimulate the economy because, despite overall economic growth, the labor market remained weak.


Jobs Are the Secret to Getting Millennials to Move out of the Basement

Goldman Sachs predicts that 18 to 34 year olds will leave the nest when the labor market fully recovers.


Should You Be Paid For Your Social Media Posts?

A new social media platform aims to subvert the traditional model by paying users for their updates.

Wired | Issie Lapowsky

HealthTap’s Video Chatting Doctors Want to End Your WebMD Meltdowns

HealthTap Prime gives subscribers unlimited access to live videoconferences with actual doctors.


What’s The Current State Of The American Dream?

A recent study shows we’re less hopeful about achieving the American Dream


Driverless Cars Get Green Light for Testing on Public Roads in UK

Three cities across the UK will be selected to host driverless car trials starting in January 2015.


Income Inequality and the Ills Behind It

The defining challenge of our era is that workers in the bottom half can no longer trust that their living standard will double every generation.


The Middle Class Is 20 Percent Poorer Than It Was In 1984

Inflation-adjusted median wealth is about 20 percent lower today than it was in 1984.


The Hero’s Journey Through the Landscape of the Future

A few large, concentrated players will provide infrastructure, platforms, and services that support many fragmented, niche players.


The Export-Import Bank’s Vital Role in Supporting U.S. Traded Sector Competitiveness

The Export-Import Bank plays an instrumental role in supporting U.S. manufacturing and services exports.


21 New Hampshire Days 70 Years Ago

In July 1944, 730 delegates gathered to create institutions to govern the global economy for the future in which the Axis powers had been defeated.


When Robots Come for Our Jobs, Will We Be Ready to Outsmart Them?

What can we do better than smart machines? How can more of us make sure that we are able to compete against them?


Crowdsourcing Ideas to Accelerate Economic Growth and Prosperity through a Strategy for American Innovation

The Office of Science and Technology Policy is calling on America’s inventors and innovators for great ideas.


Chess In Cyberspace: A Smart Move?

Parents are tapping the most brilliant chess brains in India, Bulgaria and Moscow to deliver online tutorials for their offspring via Skype.


The App I Used to Break Into My Neighbor’s Home

It turns out all anyone needs to invade a friend’s apartment is an off switch for their conscience and an iPhone.


Airbnb Host Can’t Get Rid of Squatter

If someone rents out a place using Airbnb and the guest” refuses to leave


Can Startups Create Blue-Collar Jobs in America?

Blue-collar startups” create sustainable jobs for a thriving middle class – the engine of America’s economy.


Silicon Valley’s Gig Economy Is Not the Future of Work It’s Driving Down Wages

Sites like TaskRabbit are isolating workers and paying them less.


An Idiot’s Guide to Inequality

Inequality and lack of opportunity today constitute a national infirmity and vulnerability – and there are policy tools that can make a difference.


Ready to Work: Job-Driven Training and American Opportunity

The report highlights successful job-training programs, details executive actions, and aims to help Americans get high-demand jobs and careers.


TaskRabbit Redux

TaskRabbit gave up its freewheeling auction structure in favor of a model that looks more like a Web site where people can find workers.


Pay Raises For Recent College Grads Far Below Average

Salaries for recent college graduates have risen at less than half the pace for all U.S. workers since the recession.


We’re Heading Into a Jobless Future, No Matter What the Government Does

How are policy makers going to grapple with entire industries’ disruptions in periods that are shorter than election cycles?


Slaughter & Rees Report: Taking the World Out of the World Wide Web

A number of countries are pursuing or have already implemented national or regional walls around key elements of the Internet.