Economic Policy Institute | Elise Gould
The main problem in the labor market is a broad-based lack of demand for workers, not lack of available workers lacking the skills needed.
The Guardian | Angela Monaghan
Not since the Great Depression has wealth inequality in the US been so acute.
The New York Times | Adam Davidson
There is an unexpected truth about innovation: It is, by necessity, inextricably linked with failure.
Pew Research Center | Mary Madden
The majority of adults in a new survey feel that their privacy is being challenged.
Boston Public Radio | Will Roseliep
The notion of a career is being quickly redefined, which has produced uncertainty for new job-seekers looking for a foothold.
World Economic Forum | Andrew McAfee
Income and employment opportunities might be squeezed for the short-term, but earnings will rise in the long-term.
Center for Global Business and Government | Matthew Slaughter and Matthew Rees
What unifies American voters of all parties and persuasions is economic anxiety-about themselves today and about their children tomorrow.
Wired | Klint Finley
The aim is to guess what programmers are coding before they code it.
MIT Technology Review | Anthony Ha
ReskillUSA’s goal is to close the gap between technical education and employment.”
Tech Page One | Megan Anderle
It’s best to focus on the ways we can leverage this technology to improve our lives and pursue our own business endeavors.
The Century Foundation | Mike Cassidy
What explains the disconnect between a supposedly improving economy and our belief that things are still pretty terrible?
The New York Times | Nick Bilton
As artificially intelligent machines are given more power in society, they may not take long to spiral out of control.
The Washington Post | Tricia Berry
Geek” language is hurting the effort to attract girls to STEM careers.
SD Times | David Rubinstein
Trust plays an important role in the acceptance and use of data.
TechCrunch | Ben Heubl and Nick Saalfeld
The value of big data businesses is sometimes in collecting or combining richer data, or in developing new visualizations.
Wired | Issie Lapowsky
Startup Box seeks to bring many of these jobs back to the US-specifically to places where they’re needed most.
Wired | Kelsey O’Callaghan
There’s a new breed of affluence born from the entrepreneurial culture that is redefining luxury.
strategy+business | Pankaj Ghemawat and Steven A. Altman
Globalization is not a uniform phenomenon around the world.
The New York Times | David Brooks
The data-driven style of politics is built on a questionable philosophy and a set of dubious assumptions.
Harvard Business Review | Marco Iansiti and Karim R. Lakhani
GE’s industrial internet is based on the newfound ubiquity of digital connectivity.
The Guardian | Abby Young-Powell
If you were born to less educated parents, chances are you’ll end up earning less than the sons and daughters of graduates.
The New York Times | Claire Cain Miller
Sluggish service could have long-term economic consequences for American competitiveness.
Fortune | John Kell
Growth rate of 3.5% in the third quarter indicates the world’s largest economy is performing well even as the global economy faces headwinds.
Chicago Tribune | Kate MacArthur
Marie Trzupek Lynch is tackling the problem of the long-term unemployed from a different angle.
The New York Times | Jeffrey J. Selingo
MOOCs have fallen from their peak of inflated expectations” in 2012 to the “trough of disillusionment.”
The Washington Post | Robert J. Samuelson
Bargaining power has shifted to employers, based on workers’ fears of permanent job loss.
Next New Deal | Rachel Kanakaole
A new program offering career-focused bachelor’s degrees could begin to shift the combined higher education and employment crises in the state.
MIT News | Peter Dizikes
The proposals deal with new ways of enabling innovation, training workers, and aiding the U.S. business climate.
Slate | Alison Griswold
The ride-sharing service says its median driver makes close to six figures. But the math just doesn’t add up.
Wired | Kevin Kelly
This new utilitarian AI will augment us individually as people (deepening our memory, speeding our recognition) and collectively as a species.
Re/code | Dawn Chmielewski and Liz Gannes
Here’s a snapshot of just how pervasive mobile technology is today.
Center for Global Business and Government | Matthew Slaughter and Matthew Rees
The openness that supports much of the global economy is not inevitable and is reversible.