Brief Archives | Markle
Brief Archives | Markle

Types: Brief

The Public and Doctors Overwhelmingly Agree on Health IT Priorities to Improve Patient Care

The Markle survey found that majorities of the US public and doctors share many of the same hopes for advancing health through information technology (IT)….

New Directions in U.S. Foreign Assistance and the Role of Information and Communication Technology

This paper was presented to United States policymakers and development advocates to help integrate the new wave of information and communications technology tools into their…

Policy Brief: The Download Capability

As billions of dollars of federal funding begin to flow into health information technology (health IT), we ask a simple question: Shouldn’t there be a…

Survey Snapshot: The Public and Doctors Agree with ‘Blue Button’ Idea

Markle’s survey found that most of the U.S. public and doctors believe patients should be able to download and keep copies of their personal health information….

Flying Blind

The patient came into Indianapolis’ Wishard Memorial Hospital complaining of crushing chest pain, but was unable to give ER doctors his medical history. Based on…

Consumer Technical Brief

This policy brief explores how “Millie”—a 21st Century consumer—would benefit under a Common Framework to help her obtain and control electronic copies of her personal…

Consumer Policy Brief

This policy brief explores how “Millie” — a 21st Century consumer — would benefit under a Common Framework to help her obtain and control electronic…

Collaborative response flow chart

See how information passes from individual to shared network for easy, secure access to shared information.