Andrew W. Moore, a distinguished computer scientist with expertise in machine learning androbotics, became dean of the Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science in August 2014. He had previously served as a professor of computer science and robotics before taking a leave of absence to become founding director of Google’s Pittsburgh engineering office in 2006.
Moore’s research interests broadly encompass the field of “big data”—applying statistical methods and mathematical formulas to massive quantities of information, ranging from Web searches to astronomy to medical records, in order to identify patterns and extract meaning from that information. His past research has also included improving the ability of robots and other automated systems to sense the world around them and respond appropriately.
At Google Pittsburgh, Moore led the office as it grew to hundreds of employees. In 2011, he became vice president of engineering for Google Commerce. Moore led essential engineering contributions to Google’s services, including AdWords, Shopping and Search, as well as core Google engineering infrastructure and tools.
Moore received a doctorate from the University of Cambridge in 1991 and joined the CMU faculty in 1993 following two years of post-doctoral research. In 2005, he was elected a fellow of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence. Andrew lives in Pittsburgh with his wife, Mary, and two children, William and Lucy.