Brian DeVore, the Director of State Health Policy, oversees Intel’s efforts to provide strategic guidance to assist states with transforming their health delivery and payment systems. He works with senior executives in both the technology industry and state leadership levels to drive policy changes necessary to promote the use of technology in health care. Additionally, he worked directly with former Intel CEO and Chairman, Craig Barrett, on Barrett’s policy and technology initiatives, and drove his involvement in promoting health IT during his US and international travels.
DeVore represents Intel’s view on Oregon’s Health Information Technology Oversight Council (HITOC), Oregon Business Association and The Oregon Business Council Healthcare Task Forces. Additionally, he serves on the Texas Health Services Authority’s Consumer Engagement workgroup and NASCIO’s HIT workgroup. He is a former alternate member of HHS Secretary Leavitt’s American Health Information Community (AHIC), an advisor to the National Governor’s Association State Alliance for eHealth, a member of the Washington State Health Information Advisory Committee and the Washington DC-based, eHealth Initiatives Policy Advisory Board.
Prior to joining Intel, DeVore formed and led Kryptiq Corporation’s Government Affairs/Initiatives efforts positioning Kryptiq as a leader in HIT health policy. He was also a principle with Myhealthbank, an early entry into the consumer driven health space. He holds a degree from Evangel University and has additional executive training from Stanford’s Graduate School of Business.
Devore contributed to the Markle Common Framework for Private and Secure Information Exchange.