Neil S. Calman, MD, is a Board-Certified family physician who has been practicing in the Bronx and Manhattan for the past 30 years. He is President and a co-founder of the Institute for Urban Family Health. Since 1983 he has led the Institute in developing family health centers in the Bronx, Manhattan and the Hudson Valley and in establishing health professional training in medicine, nursing, administration and mental health. He is a board member and member of the Executive Committee of the New York eHealth Collaborative and was appointed by the Obama Administration as an expert in the care of vulnerable populations to HRSA’s HIT Policy Committee where he serves on the Meaningful Use Subcommittee and the Quality Measurement and Privacy and Security Tiger Teams. He is also a member of the National Health IT Collaborative for the Underserved established by the Office of Minority Health of the US Department of Health and Human Services.
In 2002, the Institute became one of the first community health center networks in the country to implement a fully integrated electronic medical record and practice management system, improving both preventive and chronic care treatment outcomes throughout its centers. In recognition of this achievement, Calman received the prestigious 2006 Physician’s Information Technology Leadership Award, presented by the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS). In 2008, the Institute received the HIMSS Davies Award in Public Health in recognition of its development of public health functionality into its EHR. Also in 2008, the New York Times recognized the Institute with its Non-profit Excellence Award in the Use of Technology and Focus on Mission.