Our Impact | Markle | Advancing America's Future
Our Impact | Markle | Advancing America's Future

Our Impact

Markle’s impact reflects its mission to address previously intractable problems for the economic security, health, and national security of all Americans.

Our work has led to transformative change in a variety of sectors, including the implementation of national health care reforms that offer Americans the ability to view, download, and transmit their personal health information, and the advancement of a more open and transparent culture of national security information sharing after 9/11.

Markle’s work since 1998 has led to sweeping reforms at the federal, state, and local levels.

Technology Policy

Stanford’s Workshop on AI: The Challenges of the Turing Trap – Stanford University's Digital Economy Lab, a key partner in the Markle’s Tech Policy Research Consortium, held a workshop In the Spring of 2022, with the goal of addressing the current challenges and potential solutions to the "Turing Trap".

Workforce Development is a Crucial Part of Digital Equity – With details of state broadbands funds from NTIA expected to be announced soon, Brookings’ Nicole Turner Lee and Jack Malamud share recommendations on building a more inclusive broadband workforce.

The Technology/Jobs Puzzle: A European Perspective – Pierre-Alexandre Balland, Lucía Bosoer and Andrea Renda through the European University Institute, recently published a new report analyzing European approaches to good jobs as part of the work of the Markle Technology Policy and Research Consortium.

Reimagining the Broadband Technology Workforce – Nicol Turner Lee and Brady Tavernier from the Brookings Institution recently shared findings from an online workshop as part of the Markle Tech Policy Research Consortium.

The State of U.S. Technology Talent: A Whole-of-Nation Approach to Bolstering the Tech Talent Pool – To maximize its workforce for current and future technical needs, the United States must invest in a whole-of-nation approach to bolstering its critical and emerging tech talent pool.

What ‘Robot Hubs’ Mean for the Future of US Manufacturing – New research gives us a first look at robot adoption and concentration in US manufacturing

Technology Competition: A Battle for Brains – This paper examines a lesser studied but equally important aspect of the intersection between technology and work: Does the United States have the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) talent to win the global competition to build, scale, and commercialize emerging technologies?

Jobs & Labor Market

Rework America – Transform America’s labor market, through the development of collaborative networks.

Unlocking Experience-Based Job Progressions for Millions of Workers – Insights and actionable steps to help workers from low-wage roles without a college degree move into better jobs, based on data from the job histories of 29 million people.

Rework America Alliance – A unique partnership of civil rights organizations, nonprofits, private sector employers, labor unions, educators, and others working to help people from low-wage roles to move into better jobs.

Digital Blindspot – A report from Markle’s Rework America Business Network, highlighting the importance of digital literacy.

The State of American Jobs – 2016 report based on a Pew Research Center survey conducted in association with the Markle Foundation

America’s Moment – 2015 book describing how the same forces of change—technology and a networked world—can become tools that can open opportunity to everyone.

New Pathways for Learning – Inspired by Rework America, Starbucks Chairman, President and CEO Howard Schultz and Arizona State University President Michael Crow.


Blue Button – Conceived at a Markle Connecting for Health meeting, the Blue Button provides more than 150 million Americans access to their own electronic health information.

Markle Common Framework – Provides recommendations that allow patients and doctors access to vital clinical data while preserving privacy and security.

KatrinaHealth – Markle led efforts to create KatrinaHealth, an online portal that enabled patients and doctors anywhere in the U.S. to access to critical health information including prescriptions lost in the hurricane.

National Security

National Security Reports – The Markle Task Force reports reframed the role of intelligence in protecting the nation while preserving civil liberties.

DOT Force and the Digital Opportunity Initiative – On the uses of information and communication technologies for development, Markle participated in in the creation of the Digital Opportunity Task Force (DOT Force) in 2000.

Web, White & Blue 2000 – Markle created Web, White & Blue to offer a central portal of non-partisan information on issues, candidates, and platforms as a catalyst for internet use in the 2000 presidential election.

Internet Accountability Framework – Aided policymakers, the press, and the online community in better understanding public expectations in the use of their personal information.